Barnes Name Popularity Chart & Zodiac Sings

Barnes name puplarity charts in america, name rank, zodiac sings.

Barnes Name Personality & Popularity Rank in America

This name is associated with the zodiac sign Vrishabha (Taurus). It reached its peak popularity with 10 in 2019. The name achieved its highest rank at #12694 in 2009.

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Barnes Name Popularity

The name Barnes showed its most significant increase from 2018 to 2019 with an increase of 5 times. The largest drop occurred from 2020 with a decrease of 5 times.

The data covers a span of 15 years , from 2009 to 2023. The name reached its highest popularity of 10 in 2019 and its lowest of 5 in 2009.

Barnes Name Rank

The dataset spans 15 years , from 2009 to 2023. The name achieved its highest rank of 12694 in 2009 and its lowest rank of 7698 in 2019.

Among the years with the top three highest ranks were:
  1. 2009 with a rank of 12694
  2. 2022 with a rank of 12568
  3. 2016 with a rank of 12398

Barnes Name Zodiac Sign (Rishi)

Rashi(Symbol / zodiac sign)
Vrishabha (Taurus)
Name Start Letters B, V, U, W - Vrishabha (Taurus)
Symbol Bull
Element Earth
Ruling body Venus
Quality Fixed (sthira)

Barnes Name Mentions in Movies, Plays

Barnes name was mentioned in few of the roles in Half & Half, Somonok, Quiet, Code Green, Run for Your Life, Nascent Nation, Til Life Do Us Part, War: 2600, Harambee!, Attrition as role of Holly Barnes, Abigal Barnes, Principal Barnes, Eric Barnes, Captain Gilbert 'Gil' Barnes, Matthew Barnes, Barnaby Barnes, Jennifer Barnes, Yvonne Barnes, Stanley Barnes by the artists like Anarosa Butler, Ellitsa Arhos, Elaine Victoria Grey, Devin Keith, Kadeem Hardison, Kenny Barr, G.W. Bailey, Sydney Main, Brenda Pressley, Edward Hogg.

Anarosa Butler portrayed Holly Barnes in the production 'Half & Half', while Ellitsa Arhos portrayed Holly Barnes in the production 'Somonok', while Elaine Victoria Grey portrayed Holly Barnes in the production 'Quiet', while Devin Keith portrayed Holly Barnes in the production 'Code Green', while Kadeem Hardison portrayed Holly Barnes in the production 'Run for Your Life', while Kenny Barr portrayed Holly Barnes in the production 'Nascent Nation', while G.W. Bailey portrayed Holly Barnes in the production 'Til Life Do Us Part', while Sydney Main portrayed Holly Barnes in the production 'War: 2600', while Brenda Pressley portrayed Holly Barnes in the production 'Harambee!', while Edward Hogg portrayed Holly Barnes in the production 'Attrition'. Each interpretation brings a new perspective to the character of Holly Barnes, highlighting the diversity of artistic expression.

Movie / Play Title Character Name Artist Name
Half & Half Holly Barnes Anarosa Butler
Somonok Abigal Barnes Ellitsa Arhos
Quiet Principal Barnes Elaine Victoria Grey
Code Green Eric Barnes Devin Keith
Run for Your Life Captain Gilbert 'Gil' Barnes Kadeem Hardison
Nascent Nation Matthew Barnes Kenny Barr
Til Life Do Us Part Barnaby Barnes G.W. Bailey
War: 2600 Jennifer Barnes Sydney Main
Harambee! Yvonne Barnes Brenda Pressley
Attrition Stanley Barnes Edward Hogg

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