Eastman Name Popularity Chart & Zodiac Sings

Eastman name puplarity charts in america, name rank, zodiac sings.

Eastman Name Personality & Popularity Rank in America

This name is associated with the zodiac sign Mesha (Aries).

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Eastman Name Zodiac Sign (Rishi)

Rashi(Symbol / zodiac sign)
Mesha (Aries)
Name Start Letters A, L, E, I, O - Mesha (Aries)
Symbol Ram
Element Fire
Ruling body Mars
Quality Movable (chara)

Eastman Name Mentions in Movies, Plays

Eastman name was mentioned in few of the roles in Dreamer: The Movie, The Fugitive, A Place in the Sun, A Place in the Sun, The Bang Bang Brokers, Reds, Uncharted Seas, Uncharted Seas, Uncharted Seas, Good. And Smile. as role of Gina Eastman, Dr. Anne Eastman, Hannah Eastman, George Eastman, Eastman Rolley, Max Eastman, Lucretia Eastman, Tom Eastman, Old Jim Eastman, Joseph Eastman by the artists like Alexa James, Julianne Moore, Anne Revere, Montgomery Clift, David N. Donihue, Edward Herrmann, Alice Lake, Carl Gerard, Charles Hill Mailes, James St. Vincent.

Alexa James portrayed Gina Eastman in the production 'Dreamer: The Movie', while Julianne Moore portrayed Gina Eastman in the production 'The Fugitive', while Anne Revere portrayed Gina Eastman in the production 'A Place in the Sun', while Montgomery Clift portrayed Gina Eastman in the production 'A Place in the Sun', while David N. Donihue portrayed Gina Eastman in the production 'The Bang Bang Brokers', while Edward Herrmann portrayed Gina Eastman in the production 'Reds', while Alice Lake portrayed Gina Eastman in the production 'Uncharted Seas', while Carl Gerard portrayed Gina Eastman in the production 'Uncharted Seas', while Charles Hill Mailes portrayed Gina Eastman in the production 'Uncharted Seas', while James St. Vincent portrayed Gina Eastman in the production 'Good. And Smile.'. Each interpretation brings a new perspective to the character of Gina Eastman, highlighting the diversity of artistic expression.

Movie / Play Title Character Name Artist Name
Dreamer: The Movie Gina Eastman Alexa James
The Fugitive Dr. Anne Eastman Julianne Moore
A Place in the Sun Hannah Eastman Anne Revere
A Place in the Sun George Eastman Montgomery Clift
The Bang Bang Brokers Eastman Rolley David N. Donihue
Reds Max Eastman Edward Herrmann
Uncharted Seas Lucretia Eastman Alice Lake
Uncharted Seas Tom Eastman Carl Gerard
Uncharted Seas Old Jim Eastman Charles Hill Mailes
Good. And Smile. Joseph Eastman James St. Vincent
Reference: https://www.imdb.com

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