Ewald Name Popularity Chart & Zodiac Sings

Ewald name puplarity charts in america, name rank, zodiac sings.

Ewald Name Personality & Popularity Rank in America

This name is associated with the zodiac sign Mesha (Aries).

Ewald Name Meaning in English →

Ewald Name Zodiac Sign (Rishi)

Rashi(Symbol / zodiac sign)
Mesha (Aries)
Name Start Letters A, L, E, I, O - Mesha (Aries)
Symbol Ram
Element Fire
Ruling body Mars
Quality Movable (chara)

Ewald Name Mentions in Movies, Plays

Ewald name was mentioned in few of the roles in Eines schönen Tages, Tratsch im Treppenhaus, Der dritte Handschuh, Sie kommen immer in der Nacht, Heiter bis tödlich - Fuchs und Gans, Krupp und Krause, Gemeinderätin Schumann, Adelheid und ihre Mörder, Stanley H., Angelus as role of Vopo Ewald, Ewald Brummer, Ewald Dominke, Ewald Pagel, Ewald Stumpf, Ewald Hensfeld, Ewald Schmidt-Schönberg, Ewald Strobel, Ewald Polmans, Ewald Sójka by the artists like Volker Lechtenbrink, Henry Vahl, Heinz Peter Scholz, Hermann Wagner, Michael Brandner, Peter Herden, Robert Naegele, Heinz Baumann, Jochum ten Haaf, Grzegorz Stasiak.

Volker Lechtenbrink portrayed Vopo Ewald in the production 'Eines schönen Tages', while Henry Vahl portrayed Vopo Ewald in the production 'Tratsch im Treppenhaus', while Heinz Peter Scholz portrayed Vopo Ewald in the production 'Der dritte Handschuh', while Hermann Wagner portrayed Vopo Ewald in the production 'Sie kommen immer in der Nacht', while Michael Brandner portrayed Vopo Ewald in the production 'Heiter bis tödlich - Fuchs und Gans', while Peter Herden portrayed Vopo Ewald in the production 'Krupp und Krause', while Robert Naegele portrayed Vopo Ewald in the production 'Gemeinderätin Schumann', while Heinz Baumann portrayed Vopo Ewald in the production 'Adelheid und ihre Mörder', while Jochum ten Haaf portrayed Vopo Ewald in the production 'Stanley H.', while Grzegorz Stasiak portrayed Vopo Ewald in the production 'Angelus'. Each interpretation brings a new perspective to the character of Vopo Ewald, highlighting the diversity of artistic expression.

Movie / Play Title Character Name Artist Name
Eines schönen Tages Vopo Ewald Volker Lechtenbrink
Tratsch im Treppenhaus Ewald Brummer Henry Vahl
Der dritte Handschuh Ewald Dominke Heinz Peter Scholz
Sie kommen immer in der Nacht Ewald Pagel Hermann Wagner
Heiter bis tödlich - Fuchs und Gans Ewald Stumpf Michael Brandner
Krupp und Krause Ewald Hensfeld Peter Herden
Gemeinderätin Schumann Ewald Schmidt-Schönberg Robert Naegele
Adelheid und ihre Mörder Ewald Strobel Heinz Baumann
Stanley H. Ewald Polmans Jochum ten Haaf
Angelus Ewald Sójka Grzegorz Stasiak
Reference: https://www.imdb.com

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