The name Al is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Al is: Harmony, stone, or noble. Also fair, handsome. Originally a saint's name, it was reintroduced to Britain during the Norman Conquest, remained popular throughout the Middle Ages, and was revived in the 19th century.
Alajos is a given name. Notable people with the name include: Alajos Drávecz (1866–1915), Slovenian ethnologist and writer. Alajos Hauszmann (1847–1926), Austro-Hungarian architect, professor, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. ... Alajos Szokolyi or Alajos Szokoly (1871–1932), Hungarian athlete and physician.
The name Alan is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Alan is: Harmony, stone, or noble. Also fair, handsome. Originally a saint's name, it was reintroduced to Britain during the Norman Conquest, remained popular throughout the Middle Ages, and was revived in the 19th century.
Alaric is a masculine Germanic given name that, broken into its parts means Ala "everyone's" and ric "ruler". This has various forms in the several Germanic languages, such as Alareiks in the original Gothic and Alrekr in Old Norse.
Greek Meaning: The name Alastair is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Alastair is: Defender; protector of mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great.
The name Albany is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Albany is: From Albanus meaning 'of Alba', the ancient Latin city Alba Longa, whose name derives from albus meaning white. St Alban was Britain's first martyr.
The name Albin is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Albin is: From the Latin Albinus, meaning white. From Albanus meaning 'of Alba', the ancient Latin city Alba Longa, whose name derives from albus meaning white.
Meaning of name Alborz. Etymology : From the name of a mountain range (of unknown etymology) in northern Iran. Saint : Origin : Iranian.
Albrecht Name Meaning. German: from the personal name, composed of Germanic adal 'noble' + berht 'bright', 'famous'. Compare Albert. This surname is also found in Slovenia, also in the Slovenized form Albreht.
Meaning of the name Alby. Listen and learn how to pronounce Alby so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: From an old Irish word meaning “â€white,â€â€ the 6th century St. Ailbe was associated with the monastery at Emly in County Tipperary.