Custer Name Meaning. Americanized spelling of German Köster or Küster 'sexton' (see Kuster). English: variant of Coster.
Cuyler is an uncommon unisex name that has many meanings, such as being Dutch for "victory of the people" or Gaelic for "chapel". Kyler is an alternate spelling.
From the ancient Greek name "Kyane", indeed derived from the ancient Greek word "Kyanon", meaning "greenish blue". In Greek mythology, Kyane was a nymph. ― Damis 3/20/2005. In Britain at least, the word "cyan" is pronounced "sie-ANNE", with the stress on the 2nd syllable not the 1st.
Translation of German Zypress, a topographic name for someone living near a cypress tree or a habitational name for someone living at a house distinguished by the sign of a cypress, Middle High German zipres(se) (from Italian cipressa, Latin cupressus), or possibly of any of various Greek family names derived from ...
Chuy is a Spanish diminutive of Jesus. Chuy is a nickname for Jesus. Personal experiences with the name Chuy: | Edit Share what you know! Nicknames for Chuy: | Edit.
Ciabhan is a name from Christian religion. As per Mamanames records, Ciabhan is a name of a Male/Boy; and, the name Ciabhan is of the Irish origin. Ciabhan name meaning: A mortal in the Irish legend who fell in love with a beautiful goddess, Cliodhna, who was swept away into the sea by a great wave.
Ciarán (Irish pronunciation: [ˈciÉ™É¾Ë aËnÌªË ]/[ciÉ™ËˆÉ¾Ë aËnÌªË ]) or Ciaran (Scottish), pronounced /ˈkɪərÉ™n/ KEER-É™n or /ˈkɪərÉ”Ën/ KEER-awn, is a Gaelic male given name. It means "little dark one" or "little dark-haired one", produced by appending a diminutive suffix to ciar ("black", "dark").
Nobody seems to know what the name actually means. Famous real-life people named Cilix: | Edit Share what you know! Cilix in song, story & screen: | Edit. In Greek mythology Cilix was the overshadowed brother of Cadmus and Europa (founder of Thebes and queen of Crete, respectively).
Killian or Cillian, as a given name, is an Anglicized version of the Irish name CillÃn. ... The most likely meaning of the name is "little church", a reference to someone prayerful or spiritual, cill meaning "church" in Gaelic while the suffix "-Ãn" is used affectionately to indicate a 'pet' or diminutive status.
In all likelihood, the name of this group is derived from the Spanish word cimarrón, meaning "wild" or "untamed". ... A less common folk etymology holds that cimarron comes from the Taino word si'maran meaning "the flight of an arrow".