Denise is a female given name. It is one of the feminine forms of the masculine name Denis or Dennis. The name Denise is said to be of French origin, though its root names are Dionysius in Greek and Dionysia in Latin. Dionysus is the pagan God of wine, and the name Denise means "to be devoted to Bacchus."
Denison Name Meaning. English: patronymic from the personal name Dennis. Possibly an Americanized form of cognates in other languages, for example Russian Denisov, from Denis, or Ukrainian Denysevich, from Denys.
Contribute your knowledge to the name Denali. ... From the indigenous Koyukon name of a mountain in Alaska, allegedly meaning "great one". Commonly known as Mount McKinley in the English-speaking world, Denali is the tallest peak in North America. It is also the name of a car brand (made by General Motors).
The meaning of the name “Denley” is: “Valley wood, valley clearing”.
Denman is a name whose history is connected to the ancient Anglo-Saxon tribes of Britain. The name is derived from when the Denman family once lived in or near the valley. The surname is derived form the word den, which meant valley.
This unusual name is a medieval nickname which derives from the ancient Greek Dionysos (The Divine One) through the French 'Denys' to the medieval 'Denis or Denise'. In this case the name means 'the son of Den(is)' or 'Petit Denis', the modern alternative spellings being Dennet, Dennett, and Dennitt.
The name Denney is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Denney is: Follower of Dionysius (Greek god of wine).
Greek meaning: The name Dennys is a Greek baby name The Greek meaning of Dennys is: Of dionysus.
Original and poetic choice, this English surname means 'son of Tenney', which was a medieval diminutive form of Dennis. The boy's name Tennyson t(e)-nny-son is of Middle English origin, and the meaning of Tennyson is "son of Dennis". ... For more information, see also the related name Dennison.
Dent Name Meaning. English: habitational name from places in Cumbria and West Yorkshire named Dent, possibly from a British hill name cognate with Old Irish dinn, dind 'hill'.