Origin of the name John: Derived from the Middle Latin Johannes, which is from the Ecclesiastic Late Latin Joannes, which is from the Greek IÅannes. IÅannes is from the Hebrew Yehanan, a short form of Yehohanan which is derived from yehÅhÄnÄn (Yahweh is gracious).
French Meaning: The name John-paul is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name John-paul is: Jehovah has been gracious; has shown favor.
Origin of the name Jacob: From the Ecclesiastic Late Latin Iacobus, which is from the Greek Iakōbos, a name derived from the Hebrew Yaakov. The name has its root in ya`aqob (seizing by the heel, supplanting).
Jolyon \j(o)-lyon, jol-yon\ is a male given name, a Medieval spelling variant of Julian, originating in England.
Hebrew meaning: The name Jomar is a Hebrew baby name The Hebrew meaning of Jomar is: God wiIl multiply.
The meaning of the name Jomei is Spread light. The origin of the name Jomei is Japanese. Jomei is an Japanese name that means 'Spread light' FIND THE PERFECT NAME FOR YOUR NEW BABY: Perfect baby names.
Personal experiences with the name Jondi: | Edit. I knew a Jondi several years ago. He was a very attractive young man with dark curley hair. Nicknames for Jondi: | Edit Share what you know! Meanings and history of the name Jondi: | Edit.
The name Jonnie is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Jonnie is: or abbreviation of Jonathan 'Jehovah has been gracious; has shown favor.
Meaning of name Joonas. Etymology : Finnish form of JONAS. Saint : Origin : Finnish.
Joost is a male Dutch first name. It derives from the name Jodocus, which can ultimately be traced back to St. Judoc, a Breton saint of the 7th century: Jodocus → Josse → Joos → Joost (the addition of an end-t is a peculiarity of the Dutch language, especially some local dialects).