Lever Name Meaning. nickname for a fleet-footed or timid person, from Old French levre 'hare' (Latin lepus, genitive leporis).
French Meaning: The name Leverett is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Leverett is: Young rabbit.
Levin (original Russian: Левин) is a surname with several word origins. In most cases it is Jewish (a variant of Levy) and rarely Russian, derived from the Jewish biblical tribe of Levi, whose descendants the Levites had distinctive duties in the Temple period.
Meanings and history of the name Leyton: | Edit. Variant of Leighton (Old English) meaning "meadow settlement"
Li Name Meaning. Chinese : from a character meaning 'minister'. This was part of the title of Gao Yao, a great-grandson of the legendary emperor Zhuan Xu, who became famous as a minister under the model emperors Yao and Shun in the 23rd century bc; he was the first to introduce laws for the repression of crime.
Strong-willed warrior and protector. It's a shorter form of the Irish name Uilliam, which originated from the Frankish Willahelm, meaning "helmet of will." It's also a shortened version of "William." Well-known Liams: actors Liam Neeson and Liam Hemsworth.
The meaning of the name “Lidan†is: “I have a judgeâ€. Categories: Hebrew Names, Jewish Names. Used in: Hebrew speaking countries.
Liddell Name Meaning. Scottish and northern English: habitational name from any of various places in the Scottish Borders and Cumbria called Liddel, from the Old English river name Hl¯de, meaning 'loud', + Old English dæl 'valley'.
Lieb Name Meaning. German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): nickname for a pleasant or agreeable person, from Middle High German liep 'dear', 'beloved'; Yiddish lib or German lieb.
Lieber Name Meaning. German: variant of Lieb 1. German: variant of Liebert.