List of Baby Names for Boys Starting with S


Origin of the name Joseph: Derived from the Hebrew yōsēf (may he add, God shall add).

Meaning: May he add, God shall add



Meanings and history of the name Sephiroth: | Edit. This video game villain name appears to be formed from sephirot, Hebrew for emanations. In Kabbalah, sephirot are the ways the divine reveals himself.


Sepp is a given name. When borne by Upper German-speaking people, it is often a nickname for Josef or other names related to Joseph.

Meaning: May he add, God shall add


Gender: Male Meaning of Septimus: "the seventh son" Origin of Septimus: Latin.


This is a biblical name coming from Isaiah 6:2,6. It is the singular of Seraphim a type of Angel. It is also from Hebrew mean fiery one, or burning. Personal experiences with the name Seraph: | Edit. Most people hear it pronounced as Sarah.


Seraphim comes from a Hebrew expression meaning "burning ones." In the Jewish scriptures, this is the name of an order of angels that surrounds the throne of God.


Serge Name Meaning. metonymic occupational name for a maker or seller of serge, a type of woolen fabric, from Old French sarge. from the personal name Serge (Latin Sergius, of obscure origin). The name was borne by several early martyrs and a pope.


Latin Meaning: The name Sergei is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Sergei is: Attendant. Also a: Protector; shepherd.


Turkish name meaning "frontier." Pronounced: SAIR-haut. Famous real-life people named Serhat: | Edit. Serhat Akın, Turkish football striker.

Serri Rafael

Raphael is a name of Hebrew origin from Rafa'el meaning “God has healed”. In the Bible, Raphael was one of the seven archangels and specifically the angel of, you guessed it, healing.