List of Baby Names for Boys Starting with S


Sevin is a common feminine Turkish given name. In Turkish, "Sevin" means "Love her!" and/or "Rejoice!". Sevin is also a Kurdish feminine name, derived from the Kurdish word Sev which means apple.


It's the study of "anthroponyms" which originates from the Greek words anthropos (meaning human) and onoma meaning (name). Combined together it means "the names of human beings". The meanings of thousands of names, including their origin, are included on this site.



The name Seymour is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Seymour is: From St. Maur (French place name).

Meaning: St. Maurus



A name very similar to other names in the current -ayden trend. (Aiden, Braydon, Cayden, Jayden, etc.) Personal experiences with the name Shaden: | Edit. My younger brother is named Shaden.



Find out how the meaning of Shadley and the energy of your name have shaped your life. Request a Free Name Report. The name of Shadley has made you serious-minded, responsible, and stable. You love the security of a home and family, you are fond of children, and, as a parent you would be fair and understanding.


31 Baby Names That Mean Shadow. ... Not when you realize the significance behind the shadow. Light and shadow are opposites and it may seem like one of the two is lacking something. As an entity, shadow is as alive as light. It's shadow that shapes the light, draws attention to light, and even integrates with light.



Means "command of Aku" in Akkadian, Aku being the name of the Babylonian god of the moon. In the Old Testament Shadrach is the Babylonian name of Hananiah, one of the three men cast into a fiery furnace but saved by God.


Schaefer is an alternative spelling and cognate for the German word "Schäfer", meaning shepherd, which itself descends from the Old High German scāphare.


Shai as a boy's name is of Hebrew and Aramaic origin, and the meaning of Shai is "gift".


Shakespeare is an ancient Norman name, that would have been used in Britain soon after the Conquest of the island in 1066. This name was given to a person who was a confrontational or argumentative person. The name was originally derived from the Old English schakken, meaning to brandish, and speer, meaning spear.