Georges Name Popularity Chart & Zodiac Sings

Georges name puplarity charts in america, name rank, zodiac sings.

Georges Name Personality & Popularity Rank in America

This name is associated with the zodiac sign Kumbha (Aquarius).

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Georges Name Zodiac Sign (Rishi)

Rashi(Symbol / zodiac sign)
Kumbha (Aquarius)
Name Start Letters G, S, SH - Kumbha (Aquarius)
Symbol Water-bearer
Element Air
Ruling body Saturn
Quality Fixed

Georges Name Mentions in Movies, Plays

Georges name was mentioned in few of the roles in Georges Dandin, Das Rendezvous von Senlis, Shot from the Sky, Reisender ohne Gepäck, Colombe, Bel Ami, Dantons Tod, Les poneys sauvages, Rendez-vous en noir, Les poneys sauvages as role of Georges Dandin, Georges Delachaume, Georges Banlier, Georges Renaud, Madame Georges, Georges Duroy, Georges Danton, Georges à 18 ans, Georges Garisset, Georges Saval by the artists like Wolfgang Reichmann, Heinz Bennent, Bruno Angelico, Robert Dietl, Lotte Stein, Helmut Griem, Wolfgang Reichmann, Finbar Lynch, Jean-Pierre Aumont, Jacques Weber.

Wolfgang Reichmann portrayed Georges Dandin in the production 'Georges Dandin', while Heinz Bennent portrayed Georges Dandin in the production 'Das Rendezvous von Senlis', while Bruno Angelico portrayed Georges Dandin in the production 'Shot from the Sky', while Robert Dietl portrayed Georges Dandin in the production 'Reisender ohne Gepäck', while Lotte Stein portrayed Georges Dandin in the production 'Colombe', while Helmut Griem portrayed Georges Dandin in the production 'Bel Ami', while Wolfgang Reichmann portrayed Georges Dandin in the production 'Dantons Tod', while Finbar Lynch portrayed Georges Dandin in the production 'Les poneys sauvages', while Jean-Pierre Aumont portrayed Georges Dandin in the production 'Rendez-vous en noir', while Jacques Weber portrayed Georges Dandin in the production 'Les poneys sauvages'. Each interpretation brings a new perspective to the character of Georges Dandin, highlighting the diversity of artistic expression.

Movie / Play Title Character Name Artist Name
Georges Dandin Georges Dandin Wolfgang Reichmann
Das Rendezvous von Senlis Georges Delachaume Heinz Bennent
Shot from the Sky Georges Banlier Bruno Angelico
Reisender ohne Gepäck Georges Renaud Robert Dietl
Colombe Madame Georges Lotte Stein
Bel Ami Georges Duroy Helmut Griem
Dantons Tod Georges Danton Wolfgang Reichmann
Les poneys sauvages Georges à 18 ans Finbar Lynch
Rendez-vous en noir Georges Garisset Jean-Pierre Aumont
Les poneys sauvages Georges Saval Jacques Weber

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