Jaume Name Popularity Chart & Zodiac Sings

Jaume name puplarity charts in america, name rank, zodiac sings.

Jaume Name Personality & Popularity Rank in America

This name is associated with the zodiac sign Makar (Capricorn).

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Jaume Name Zodiac Sign (Rishi)

Rashi(Symbol / zodiac sign)
Makar (Capricorn)
Name Start Letters KH, J - Makar (Capricorn)
Symbol Crocodile
Element Earth
Ruling body Saturn
Quality Movable

Jaume Name Mentions in Movies, Plays

Jaume name was mentioned in few of the roles in El Síndrome de Marco, Jazz y chistes Show, The Odd Perspective, Jo, Ramon Llull, Nobody Does It Better, Sitges, Alguns dies d'ahir, Uttara: El mite, La fossa, A King in New York as role of Jaume Fontcuberta, Jaume Bruguet, Jaume Martin, Jaume II, Jaume Pont, Jaume Ribes, Jaume, mare Jaume, Jaume, Ambassador Jaume by the artists like Raymon Pujol, Jaume Grau, Arne Gottschling, Nao Albet, Ricard Boné, Albert Pérez, Abel Folk, Mariluz Rodríguez, Ferran Lahoz, Oliver Johnston.

Raymon Pujol portrayed Jaume Fontcuberta in the production 'El Síndrome de Marco', while Jaume Grau portrayed Jaume Fontcuberta in the production 'Jazz y chistes Show', while Arne Gottschling portrayed Jaume Fontcuberta in the production 'The Odd Perspective', while Nao Albet portrayed Jaume Fontcuberta in the production 'Jo, Ramon Llull', while Ricard Boné portrayed Jaume Fontcuberta in the production 'Nobody Does It Better', while Albert Pérez portrayed Jaume Fontcuberta in the production 'Sitges', while Abel Folk portrayed Jaume Fontcuberta in the production 'Alguns dies d'ahir', while Mariluz Rodríguez portrayed Jaume Fontcuberta in the production 'Uttara: El mite', while Ferran Lahoz portrayed Jaume Fontcuberta in the production 'La fossa', while Oliver Johnston portrayed Jaume Fontcuberta in the production 'A King in New York'. Each interpretation brings a new perspective to the character of Jaume Fontcuberta, highlighting the diversity of artistic expression.

Movie / Play Title Character Name Artist Name
El Síndrome de Marco Jaume Fontcuberta Raymon Pujol
Jazz y chistes Show Jaume Bruguet Jaume Grau
The Odd Perspective Jaume Martin Arne Gottschling
Jo, Ramon Llull Jaume II Nao Albet
Nobody Does It Better Jaume Pont Ricard Boné
Sitges Jaume Ribes Albert Pérez
Alguns dies d'ahir Jaume Abel Folk
Uttara: El mite mare Jaume Mariluz Rodríguez
La fossa Jaume Ferran Lahoz
A King in New York Ambassador Jaume Oliver Johnston
Reference: https://www.imdb.com

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