Jenkins Name Popularity Chart & Zodiac Sings

Jenkins name puplarity charts in america, name rank, zodiac sings.

Jenkins Name Personality & Popularity Rank in America

This name is associated with the zodiac sign Makar (Capricorn). It reached its peak popularity with 8 in 2017. The name achieved its highest rank at #12885 in 2021.

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Jenkins Name Popularity

The name Jenkins showed its most significant increase from 2016 to 2017 with an increase of 2 times. The largest drop occurred from 2018 with a decrease of 2 times.

The data covers a span of 34 years , from 1988 to 2021. The name reached its highest popularity of 8 in 2017 and its lowest of 5 in 2021.

Jenkins Name Rank

The dataset spans 34 years , from 1988 to 2021. The name achieved its highest rank of 12885 in 2021 and its lowest rank of 6533 in 1989.

Among the years with the top three highest ranks were:
  1. 2021 with a rank of 12885
  2. 2018 with a rank of 11378
  3. 2016 with a rank of 11322

Jenkins Name Zodiac Sign (Rishi)

Rashi(Symbol / zodiac sign)
Makar (Capricorn)
Name Start Letters KH, J - Makar (Capricorn)
Symbol Crocodile
Element Earth
Ruling body Saturn
Quality Movable

Jenkins Name Mentions in Movies, Plays

Jenkins name was mentioned in few of the roles in Small Business, And Action!, The Road to Truth, Eastenders: Phil on Remand, Reset, Cutman, Sunday Wind, 83 Days, The Oats Movie, The 11th Commandment as role of Jenkins, Courtney Jenkins, Minister Jenkins, Craig Jenkins, Mrs. Jenkins, Harvell Jenkins, Sgt. Jenkins, Mayor Jenkins, Janitor Jenkins, Dillon Jenkins by the artists like Daniel Iturriaga, Savannah Meyer, Nakia Dillard, Glenn Doherty, Maxine Cunliffe, Ryan Sickler, Michael Anthony Hennessy, David Keith, Paul, Bryan Lee McGlothin.

Daniel Iturriaga portrayed Jenkins in the production 'Small Business', while Savannah Meyer portrayed Jenkins in the production 'And Action!', while Nakia Dillard portrayed Jenkins in the production 'The Road to Truth', while Glenn Doherty portrayed Jenkins in the production 'Eastenders: Phil on Remand', while Maxine Cunliffe portrayed Jenkins in the production 'Reset', while Ryan Sickler portrayed Jenkins in the production 'Cutman', while Michael Anthony Hennessy portrayed Jenkins in the production 'Sunday Wind', while David Keith portrayed Jenkins in the production '83 Days', while Paul portrayed Jenkins in the production 'The Oats Movie', while Bryan Lee McGlothin portrayed Jenkins in the production 'The 11th Commandment'. Each interpretation brings a new perspective to the character of Jenkins, highlighting the diversity of artistic expression.

Movie / Play Title Character Name Artist Name
Small Business Jenkins Daniel Iturriaga
And Action! Courtney Jenkins Savannah Meyer
The Road to Truth Minister Jenkins Nakia Dillard
Eastenders: Phil on Remand Craig Jenkins Glenn Doherty
Reset Mrs. Jenkins Maxine Cunliffe
Cutman Harvell Jenkins Ryan Sickler
Sunday Wind Sgt. Jenkins Michael Anthony Hennessy
83 Days Mayor Jenkins David Keith
The Oats Movie Janitor Jenkins Paul
The 11th Commandment Dillon Jenkins Bryan Lee McGlothin

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