Kjartan Name Popularity Chart & Zodiac Sings

Kjartan name puplarity charts in america, name rank, zodiac sings.

Kjartan Name Personality & Popularity Rank in America

This name is associated with the zodiac sign Mithun (Gemini).

Kjartan Name Meaning in English →

Kjartan Name Zodiac Sign (Rishi)

Rashi(Symbol / zodiac sign)
Mithun (Gemini)
Name Start Letters K, CHH, GH, Q, C - Mithun (Gemini)
Symbol Twins
Element Air
Ruling body Mercury
Quality Dual (dvisvabhava)

Kjartan Name Mentions in Movies, Plays

Kjartan name was mentioned in few of the roles in Salamandra Box, Summerlight... and Then Comes the Night, En verdensomsejling under bordet, Manden med de gyldne ører, Katla as role of Kjartan, Kjartan, Kjartan, Kjartan, Kjartan by the artists like Andri Kjartan, Ólafur Darri Ólafsson, Thomas Bo Larsen, Anders Budde Christensen, Baltasar Breki Samper.

Andri Kjartan portrayed Kjartan in the production 'Salamandra Box', while Ólafur Darri Ólafsson portrayed Kjartan in the production 'Summerlight... and Then Comes the Night', while Thomas Bo Larsen portrayed Kjartan in the production 'En verdensomsejling under bordet', while Anders Budde Christensen portrayed Kjartan in the production 'Manden med de gyldne ører', while Baltasar Breki Samper portrayed Kjartan in the production 'Katla'. Each interpretation brings a new perspective to the character of Kjartan, highlighting the diversity of artistic expression.

Movie / Play Title Character Name Artist Name
Salamandra Box Kjartan Andri Kjartan
Summerlight... and Then Comes the Night Kjartan Ólafur Darri Ólafsson
En verdensomsejling under bordet Kjartan Thomas Bo Larsen
Manden med de gyldne ører Kjartan Anders Budde Christensen
Katla Kjartan Baltasar Breki Samper
Reference: https://www.imdb.com

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