Luce Name Popularity Chart & Zodiac Sings

Luce name puplarity charts in america, name rank, zodiac sings.

Luce Name Personality & Popularity Rank in America

This name is associated with the zodiac sign Mesha (Aries).

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Luce Name Zodiac Sign (Rishi)

Rashi(Symbol / zodiac sign)
Mesha (Aries)
Name Start Letters A, L, E, I, O - Mesha (Aries)
Symbol Ram
Element Fire
Ruling body Mars
Quality Movable (chara)

Luce Name Mentions in Movies, Plays

Luce name was mentioned in few of the roles in The Comedy of Errors, Istarska rapsodija, Dreams, Washed Out, Extralogy, Intralci, How I Learned to Fly, Whodunnit?, Claudine, The Time of Our Lives, Excelsior as role of Luce, Luce, Luce, Luce, Anna Luce, Luce, Raymond Luce, Luce Lanthenay, Luce Lantheney, Luce, La Luce by the artists like Karla Burns, Nada Subotic, Raffaella Esposito, Mary Baurkot, Lavinia Longhi, Snjezana Sinovcic, Alexander Davion, Muriel Catalá, Shane Jacobson, Marta Romagna.

Karla Burns portrayed Luce in the production 'The Comedy of Errors', while Nada Subotic portrayed Luce in the production 'Istarska rapsodija', while Raffaella Esposito portrayed Luce in the production 'Dreams, Washed Out', while Mary Baurkot portrayed Luce in the production 'Extralogy', while Lavinia Longhi portrayed Luce in the production 'Intralci', while Snjezana Sinovcic portrayed Luce in the production 'How I Learned to Fly', while Alexander Davion portrayed Luce in the production 'Whodunnit?', while Muriel Catalá portrayed Luce in the production 'Claudine', while Shane Jacobson portrayed Luce in the production 'The Time of Our Lives', while Marta Romagna portrayed Luce in the production 'Excelsior'. Each interpretation brings a new perspective to the character of Luce, highlighting the diversity of artistic expression.

Movie / Play Title Character Name Artist Name
The Comedy of Errors Luce Karla Burns
Istarska rapsodija Luce Nada Subotic
Dreams, Washed Out Luce Raffaella Esposito
Extralogy Luce Mary Baurkot
Intralci Anna Luce Lavinia Longhi
How I Learned to Fly Luce Snjezana Sinovcic
Whodunnit? Raymond Luce Alexander Davion
Claudine Luce Lanthenay, Luce Lantheney Muriel Catalá
The Time of Our Lives Luce Shane Jacobson
Excelsior La Luce Marta Romagna

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