Macleod Name Popularity Chart & Zodiac Sings

Macleod name puplarity charts in america, name rank, zodiac sings.

Macleod Name Personality & Popularity Rank in America

This name is associated with the zodiac sign Simha (Leo).

Macleod Name Meaning in English →

Macleod Name Zodiac Sign (Rishi)

Rashi(Symbol / zodiac sign)
Simha (Leo)
Name Start Letters M, TT - Simha (Leo)
Symbol Lion
Element Fire
Ruling body Sun
Quality Fixed

Macleod Name Mentions in Movies, Plays

Macleod name was mentioned in few of the roles in Speaking Our Language, Speaking Our Language, Speaking Our Language, Speaking Our Language, Glory Enough for All, Making of 'Highlander: The Series', Making of 'Highlander: The Series', Division 4, Supernatural, Two Thousand Acres of Sky as role of Eòin MacLeod, Maryanne MacLeod, Mrs. MacLeod, Iain MacLeod, Mr. MacLeod, Eilidh MacLeod, Dr. John MacLeod, Connor MacLeod, Duncan MacLeod, Sgt. Scotty MacLeod, Rowena MacLeod, Alistair Macleod, Alisatir Macleod by the artists like Graeme MacAulay, Marisa MacDonald, Ryno Morrison, Rachel Fraser, John Woodvine, Christopher Lambert, Adrian Paul, Frank Taylor, Ruth Connell, John Straiton.

Graeme MacAulay portrayed Eòin MacLeod in the production 'Speaking Our Language', while Marisa MacDonald portrayed Eòin MacLeod in the production 'Speaking Our Language', while Ryno Morrison portrayed Eòin MacLeod in the production 'Speaking Our Language', while Rachel Fraser portrayed Eòin MacLeod in the production 'Speaking Our Language', while John Woodvine portrayed Eòin MacLeod in the production 'Glory Enough for All', while Christopher Lambert portrayed Eòin MacLeod in the production 'Making of 'Highlander: The Series'', while Adrian Paul portrayed Eòin MacLeod in the production 'Making of 'Highlander: The Series'', while Frank Taylor portrayed Eòin MacLeod in the production 'Division 4', while Ruth Connell portrayed Eòin MacLeod in the production 'Supernatural', while John Straiton portrayed Eòin MacLeod in the production 'Two Thousand Acres of Sky'. Each interpretation brings a new perspective to the character of Eòin MacLeod, highlighting the diversity of artistic expression.

Movie / Play Title Character Name Artist Name
Speaking Our Language Eòin MacLeod Graeme MacAulay
Speaking Our Language Maryanne MacLeod, Mrs. MacLeod Marisa MacDonald
Speaking Our Language Iain MacLeod, Mr. MacLeod Ryno Morrison
Speaking Our Language Eilidh MacLeod Rachel Fraser
Glory Enough for All Dr. John MacLeod John Woodvine
Making of 'Highlander: The Series' Connor MacLeod Christopher Lambert
Making of 'Highlander: The Series' Duncan MacLeod Adrian Paul
Division 4 Sgt. Scotty MacLeod Frank Taylor
Supernatural Rowena MacLeod Ruth Connell
Two Thousand Acres of Sky Alistair Macleod, Alisatir Macleod John Straiton

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