Moriya Name Popularity Chart & Zodiac Sings

Moriya name puplarity charts in america, name rank, zodiac sings.

Moriya Name Personality & Popularity Rank in America

This name is associated with the zodiac sign Simha (Leo). It reached its peak popularity with 12 in 2008. The name achieved its highest rank at #18682 in 2012.

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Moriya Name Popularity

The name Moriya showed its most significant increase from 2006 to 2007 with an increase of 4 times. The largest drop occurred from 2012 with a decrease of 5 times.

The data covers a span of 26 years , from 1995 to 2020. The name reached its highest popularity of 12 in 2008 and its lowest of 5 in 1998.

Moriya Name Rank

The dataset spans 26 years , from 1995 to 2020. The name achieved its highest rank of 18682 in 2012 and its lowest rank of 9898 in 2008.

Among the years with the top three highest ranks were:
  1. 2012 with a rank of 18682
  2. 2019 with a rank of 17199
  3. 2020 with a rank of 16710

Moriya Name Zodiac Sign (Rishi)

Rashi(Symbol / zodiac sign)
Simha (Leo)
Name Start Letters M, TT - Simha (Leo)
Symbol Lion
Element Fire
Ruling body Sun
Quality Fixed

Moriya Name Mentions in Movies, Plays

Moriya name was mentioned in few of the roles in The Last Blade, Mononoke, If My Wife Becomes an Elementary School Student., The Last Blade 2, Firentsue no kaze ni dakarete, Nurse Angel Ririka SOS, Nurse Angel Ririka SOS, Nurse Angel Ririka SOS, NeoGeo Battle Coliseum, Cheisu Dai 1 Sho as role of Minakata Moriya, Kiyoshi Moriya, Yoshimi Moriya, Moriya, Moriya Touru, Ririka Moriya, Madoka Moriya, Shô Moriya, Moriya Minakata, Hideo Moriya by the artists like Jun Hashimoto, Eiji Takemoto, Misato Morita, Jun Hashimoto, Ken Ishiguro, Kaori Asô, Yuri Amano, Kaori Yuasa, Jun Hashimoto, Kyûsaku Shimada.

Jun Hashimoto portrayed Minakata Moriya in the production 'The Last Blade', while Eiji Takemoto portrayed Minakata Moriya in the production 'Mononoke', while Misato Morita portrayed Minakata Moriya in the production 'If My Wife Becomes an Elementary School Student.', while Jun Hashimoto portrayed Minakata Moriya in the production 'The Last Blade 2', while Ken Ishiguro portrayed Minakata Moriya in the production 'Firentsue no kaze ni dakarete', while Kaori Asô portrayed Minakata Moriya in the production 'Nurse Angel Ririka SOS', while Yuri Amano portrayed Minakata Moriya in the production 'Nurse Angel Ririka SOS', while Kaori Yuasa portrayed Minakata Moriya in the production 'Nurse Angel Ririka SOS', while Jun Hashimoto portrayed Minakata Moriya in the production 'NeoGeo Battle Coliseum', while Kyûsaku Shimada portrayed Minakata Moriya in the production 'Cheisu Dai 1 Sho'. Each interpretation brings a new perspective to the character of Minakata Moriya, highlighting the diversity of artistic expression.

Movie / Play Title Character Name Artist Name
The Last Blade Minakata Moriya Jun Hashimoto
Mononoke Kiyoshi Moriya Eiji Takemoto
If My Wife Becomes an Elementary School Student. Yoshimi Moriya Misato Morita
The Last Blade 2 Moriya Jun Hashimoto
Firentsue no kaze ni dakarete Moriya Touru Ken Ishiguro
Nurse Angel Ririka SOS Ririka Moriya Kaori Asô
Nurse Angel Ririka SOS Madoka Moriya Yuri Amano
Nurse Angel Ririka SOS Shô Moriya Kaori Yuasa
NeoGeo Battle Coliseum Moriya Minakata Jun Hashimoto
Cheisu Dai 1 Sho Hideo Moriya Kyûsaku Shimada

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