List of English Baby Names Meanings



Recorded in a wide range of spellings including Colbran, Colborn, Colbourne, Colbourn, Colborne, Coalburn, Colebourne, Colburn and probably others, this is an Anglo-Scottish surname of Norse-Viking pre 7th century origins. ... The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Malger Colebrond.

Meaning: Burning log Origin: English, Old Norse



Colden Name Meaning. English: habitational name from a place in West Yorkshire named Colden, from Old English cald 'cold' col 'charcoal' + denu 'valley'. English and Scottish: variant of Cowden.

Meaning: Coal town Origin: English, Old Norse



The surname Collins has a variety of likely origins in Britain and Ireland: Anglo-Saxon: A patronymic surname based on the name Colin, an English diminutive form of Nicholas. ... The medieval surname was Ua Cuiléin, which has usually become Ó Coileáin today. Welsh: Collen = hazel, hazel grove.

Meaning: A young hound Origin: English, Gaelic



English Meaning: The name Collis is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Collis is: Son of the dark man.

Meaning: People's triumph Origin: English, Greek



English Meaning: The name Colston is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Colston is: Unknown owner of property.

Meaning: Coal settlement, coal village Origin: English



Colvin Family History. Colvin Name Meaning. Scottish and English: variant of Colville, probably reflecting a local pronunciation.

Meaning: A great hero Origin: English, Gaelic



The name Colyer comes from when one of the family worked as a person who made or sold charcoal. The surname Colyer is derived from the Old English word col, which means coal; as such it is thought to have originally been an occupational name for a burner of charcoal or a gatherer or seller of coal.

Meaning: A person who works with coal Origin: English



Commodore Name Meaning. Origin unidentified; perhaps an altered spelling of Italian Commodari, a derivative of commodare 'to furnish or supply'.

Meaning: A commodore Origin: English



The roots of concord suggest the meaning "hearts together". At the very outset of the American Revolution, the town of Concord, Massachusetts, was the site of a famous battle—obviously not exactly in keeping with its name.

Meaning: Unity, accord, harmony Origin: English



The name Cord is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Cord is: Honest advisor.

Meaning: Bold or wise counselor Origin: English, Germanic