In Basque, kai is a common word meaning "pier of a harbour" and a variant of the first name Kaio (from the old Latin name Caius, meaning "happy"). In Burmese, kai means "strong" or "unbreakable". ... In Hausa, kai means "you". In Hawaiian, kai means "ocean" or "ocean water".
Kalle is a masculine given name of North Germanic origin, a variation of Karl. In Sweden, people named Karl are commonly nicknamed Kalle. The name is also found in Finland and Estonia.
OTHER LANGUAGES/CULTURES: Jabril, Jibril (Arabic), Gabriel (Biblical), Gabriel (Biblical Greek), Gavri'el (Biblical Hebrew), Gabriel (Biblical Latin), Gavrail, Gavril (Bulgarian), Gabriel, Biel (Catalan), Dzhabrail (Chechen), Gabrijel (Croatian), Gabriel (Czech), Gabriel (Danish), Gabriël (Dutch), Gabriel, Gabby, Gabe ...
Kaarina is a Finnish female given name. Its nameday is celebrated on the 25th of November. ... As of 2013 there were 132,000 women registered with this name in Finland. It is listed by the Finnish Population Register Centre as one of the top 10 most popular female given names ever.
French Meaning: The name Kaarle is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Kaarle is: Strong and masculine.
Kaija is a Finnish variant of Katherine, used as an independent name. It's popularity peak was in the later 1940s. Pronounced "Kye-ya". It is considered to be old Swedish as well as modern-day Finnish. It can also be a term of endearment meaning "precious daughter" or "sweet girl".
Finnish Meaning: The name Kaisa is a Finnish baby name. In Finnish the meaning of the name Kaisa is: Pure.
Karoliina is a Finnish feminine given name derived from Charles.
Meaning of name Kata. Etymology : Hungarian short form of KATALIN, Finnish short form of KATARIINA and Croatian short form of KATARINA. Saint : Origin : Hungarian.
Greek Meaning: The name Katarina is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Katarina is: Pure.