Contribute your knowledge to the name Rosaline. ... A variant of Rosalind, an Old French name meaning "tender horse." When it was imported to English it was thought to be from the Latin "rosa linda," meaning "lovely rose."
The name Rosalind was brought to England by way of the Norman-French after the Norman Conquest of 1066. The French adapted the name from the ancient Germanic Roslindis, from the Old High German elements “hros” meaning “horse” and “lindi” meaning “soft, mild, tender, gentle”.
Rudolph or Rudolf (French: Rodolphe, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish: Rodolfo) or Rodolphe is a male first name, and, less commonly, a surname. It is a Germanic name deriving from two stems: Hrōþi, Hruod or Hrōð, meaning "fame", "glory" , and olf meaning "wolf".
Origin of the name Rudy: Short form of the German Rudiger, which is derived from the Old High German Hruodiger (fame with a spear, spear fame), a compound name composed of the elements hruod (fame) and gēr (spear).