List of Heb Baby Names Meanings


The name James is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name James is: He grasps the heel. Supplanter.

Meaning: He who supplants Origin: Hebrew



Hebrew Meaning: The name Jamie is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Jamie is: Supplanter.

Meaning: A form of james Origin: Hebrew


Scottish Meaning: The name Jaimee is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Jaimee is: used as a woman's name.

Meaning: He who supplants Origin: Hebrew


The name Jamieson is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Jamieson is: Supplanter.

Meaning: A form of jamison Origin: Hebrew


Hebrew Meaning: The name Jamin is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Jamin is: Right hand of favor. A Biblical name.

Meaning: The right hand of favor Origin: Hebrew


English Meaning: The name Jamison is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Jamison is: Supplanter.

Meaning: Son of james Origin: Hebrew


Last name: Jammes. ... Like the personal name and subsequent surname Jacob, it has its origins in the Hebrew given name "Yaakov". This was Latinized first as "Jacobus", and then in the period known as "The Dark Ages" upto the 11th century a.d., as "Jacomus". The actual meaning of the name is also a matter for some dispute.

Meaning: He who supplants Origin: Hebrew


Meaning of the name Jammie. Jammie is a variaiton of Jamie and means 'Yahweh may protect', 'heel' or 'supplanter'.

Meaning: He who supplants Origin: Hebrew


Polish Meaning: The name Jana is a Polish baby name. In Polish the meaning of the name Jana is: God is gracious.. In Roman mythology; Jana was the wife of Janus.

Meaning: Harvest, Born bravery, God is gracious Origin: Hebrew


Polish Meaning: The name Jana is a Polish baby name. In Polish the meaning of the name Jana is: God is gracious.. In Roman mythology; Jana was the wife of Janus.

Meaning: God is gracious, in the bible, one of the apostles Origin: Hebrew