List of Scottish Baby Names Meanings


Transferred use of the Scottish surname that originated from the Gaelic nickname cam srón (crooked nose). Var: Cameran, Cameryn, Camryn, Kameran, Kameron, Kameryn. Short: Cam. Pet: Cami. From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman.Buy the book.

Meaning: Form of CAMERON - Crooked nose Origin: Scottish


The name Aran is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name Aran is: An ark; their curse.

Meaning: Island Origin: Scottish


What does Kayde mean? Kayde [kayde] as a boys' name (also used as girls' name Kayde) means "round, gentle; cask". Kayde is an alternate form of Cade (Old English, Old French): transferred use of the surname.

Meaning: Round Origin: Scottish


Although Gracia is the literal Spanish translation of Grace and is used as the Grace equivalent in Spanish-speaking countries, where it's pronounced grah-see-a, it's also a long-time if unusual Grace variation pronounced gray-sha. You might consider Gracia if Grace is getting too commonplace for you.

Meaning: Grace Origin: Scottish


The name is Irish, meaning Land of the Lochs. It is a reference for the Vikings that plundered Ireland in the 9th and 10th centuries. Loch is the Scottish word for lake. Lochlan means from the land of the lakes. It also means warrior.

Meaning: From the land of lakes Origin: Scottish


Rossi [ˈrossi] is an Italian surname, said to be the most common surname in Italy. ... "Rossi" is the plural of Rosso (meaning red, in Italian), although it is argued the surname derives from another source.

Meaning: Headland Origin: Scottish


Gaelic Meaning: The name Breena is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Breena is: Fairy palace. Alsoand Sabrina.

Meaning: River Severn Origin: Scottish


Origin of the name Ainsley: Transferred use of the Scottish surname taken from the place-name Ainsley, which is derived from the name element Æne's or Ægen's and the Old English lēah (wood, clearing, meadow, enclosure). From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman.Buy the book.

Meaning: My meadow Origin: Scottish


Origin of the name Blair: Transferred use of the Scottish surname derived from place-names containing the Gaelic element blár (plain, level field): hence, "dweller on the plain." Var: Blaire. From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman.Buy the book.

Meaning: Field Origin: Scottish


Gaelic Meaning: The name Cullen is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Cullen is: Handsome; good-looking lad.

Meaning: Alcove Origin: Scottish