Petrov Name Popularity Chart & Zodiac Sings

Petrov name puplarity charts in america, name rank, zodiac sings.

Petrov Name Personality & Popularity Rank in America

This name is associated with the zodiac sign Kanya (Virgo).

Petrov Name Meaning in English →

Petrov Name Zodiac Sign (Rishi)

Rashi(Symbol / zodiac sign)
Kanya (Virgo)
Name Start Letters P, THA - Kanya (Virgo)
Symbol Virgin girl
Element Earth
Ruling body Mercury
Quality Dual

Petrov Name Mentions in Movies, Plays

Petrov name was mentioned in few of the roles in Ven eller Fjende, Kalyazin. City of the dead, Hero: The Rock Opera, Varljivo leto '68, Varljivo leto '68, Hassel Unleashed, Yoshua, Amerikatsi, Mnogo Moy Chovek, Denovi na iskusenie as role of Petrov, Alexandr Petrov, Petrov, Petrov deda, Petrov drug, Petrov, Officer Petrov, Dmitry Petrov, Michael Petrov, Gjorce Petrov by the artists like Nicolaj Rasmussen, Sergey A., Mark Stuart, Mija Aleksic, Vladan Savic, Martynas Karys, Fernanda Hay, Mikhail Trukhin, , Janez Vrhovec.

Nicolaj Rasmussen portrayed Petrov in the production 'Ven eller Fjende', while Sergey A. portrayed Petrov in the production 'Kalyazin. City of the dead', while Mark Stuart portrayed Petrov in the production 'Hero: The Rock Opera', while Mija Aleksic portrayed Petrov in the production 'Varljivo leto '68', while Vladan Savic portrayed Petrov in the production 'Varljivo leto '68', while Martynas Karys portrayed Petrov in the production 'Hassel Unleashed', while Fernanda Hay portrayed Petrov in the production 'Yoshua', while Mikhail Trukhin portrayed Petrov in the production 'Amerikatsi', while portrayed Petrov in the production 'Mnogo Moy Chovek', while Janez Vrhovec portrayed Petrov in the production 'Denovi na iskusenie'. Each interpretation brings a new perspective to the character of Petrov, highlighting the diversity of artistic expression.

Movie / Play Title Character Name Artist Name
Ven eller Fjende Petrov Nicolaj Rasmussen
Kalyazin. City of the dead Alexandr Petrov Sergey A.
Hero: The Rock Opera Petrov Mark Stuart
Varljivo leto '68 Petrov deda Mija Aleksic
Varljivo leto '68 Petrov drug Vladan Savic
Hassel Unleashed Petrov Martynas Karys
Yoshua Officer Petrov Fernanda Hay
Amerikatsi Dmitry Petrov Mikhail Trukhin
Mnogo Moy Chovek Michael Petrov
Denovi na iskusenie Gjorce Petrov Janez Vrhovec
Petrov Name Meaning in English →