Pollard Name Popularity Chart & Zodiac Sings

Pollard name puplarity charts in america, name rank, zodiac sings.

Pollard Name Personality & Popularity Rank in America

This name is associated with the zodiac sign Kanya (Virgo).

Pollard Name Meaning in English →

Pollard Name Zodiac Sign (Rishi)

Rashi(Symbol / zodiac sign)
Kanya (Virgo)
Name Start Letters P, THA - Kanya (Virgo)
Symbol Virgin girl
Element Earth
Ruling body Mercury
Quality Dual

Pollard Name Mentions in Movies, Plays

Pollard name was mentioned in few of the roles in Where's Daddy?, Meinungsverschiedenheiten, The Outer Limits, Party Down, Chronicles of Humanity: Redemption, Faraday and Company, Seabiscuit, Annie Oakley, It's a Gift, The Story Lady as role of Murray Pollard, Christopher Pollard, Dr. Paul Pollard, Henry Pollard, Dr. Pollard, Gus Pollard, Red Pollard, George Pollard, Inventor Pollard, Julie Pollard by the artists like Rel Dowdell, Herwig Walter, Robert Fortier, Adam Scott, Elizabeth Gmaz, Edd Byrnes, Tobey Maguire, Myron Healey, 'Snub' Pollard, Stephanie Zimbalist.

Rel Dowdell portrayed Murray Pollard in the production 'Where's Daddy?', while Herwig Walter portrayed Murray Pollard in the production 'Meinungsverschiedenheiten', while Robert Fortier portrayed Murray Pollard in the production 'The Outer Limits', while Adam Scott portrayed Murray Pollard in the production 'Party Down', while Elizabeth Gmaz portrayed Murray Pollard in the production 'Chronicles of Humanity: Redemption', while Edd Byrnes portrayed Murray Pollard in the production 'Faraday and Company', while Tobey Maguire portrayed Murray Pollard in the production 'Seabiscuit', while Myron Healey portrayed Murray Pollard in the production 'Annie Oakley', while 'Snub' Pollard portrayed Murray Pollard in the production 'It's a Gift', while Stephanie Zimbalist portrayed Murray Pollard in the production 'The Story Lady'. Each interpretation brings a new perspective to the character of Murray Pollard, highlighting the diversity of artistic expression.

Movie / Play Title Character Name Artist Name
Where's Daddy? Murray Pollard Rel Dowdell
Meinungsverschiedenheiten Christopher Pollard Herwig Walter
The Outer Limits Dr. Paul Pollard Robert Fortier
Party Down Henry Pollard Adam Scott
Chronicles of Humanity: Redemption Dr. Pollard Elizabeth Gmaz
Faraday and Company Gus Pollard Edd Byrnes
Seabiscuit Red Pollard Tobey Maguire
Annie Oakley George Pollard Myron Healey
It's a Gift Inventor Pollard 'Snub' Pollard
The Story Lady Julie Pollard Stephanie Zimbalist
Reference: https://www.imdb.com

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