A submission from New Zealand says the name Allysse means "Crystal Clear" and is of Unknown origin.
Variant of ALICIA. The spelling has probably been influenced by that of the alyssum flower, the name of which is derived from Greek α (a), a negative prefix, combined with λυσσα (lyssa) "madness, rabies", since it was believed to cure madness.
Origin of the name Allison: Matronymic meaning "son of Alice." From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman.Buy the book.
The masculine equivalent of almah is elem ("על×" in Arabic ghelam غلام) meaning "youth" or "young man of the age of puberty". ... In modern Hebrew almah means a young woman or girl, a young or unmarried woman.
The explanation given by Laura Ingalls Wilder for her husband, Almanzo's, name is that it was derived from an Arabian benefactor to his ancestors by the name of Al-Mansour, meaning 'the victorious'. An alternative derivation is of Old German origin, meaning 'precious man'.
The meaning of the name “Almar†is: “Famous for his noble characterâ€. Categories: German Names, Germanic Names. Used in: German speaking countries.
As a Spanish given name, Almeda is a transfer of the Spanish surname which is derived from Almeida, a habitational name from Arabic al-medina "the city". Its use has been influenced by Alameda, a topographic name from Spanish alameda "poplar grove", and ultimately by the Spanish word álamo "poplar".
Meanings and history of the name Almeda: | Edit. As a Spanish given name, Almeda is a transfer of the Spanish surname which is derived from Almeida, a habitational name from Arabic al-medina "the city".
Almer Name Meaning. German: from the personal name Adelmar, composed of the Germanic elements adal 'noble' + mar 'famous'. Swedish (Almér): topographic or ornamental name from alm 'elm' + the common surname element -ér, a shortened form of Latin -erus 'descendant of'.
Latin Meaning: The name Almeta is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Almeta is: Driven.