Christian Baby Names Boys & Girls


Irish Surname - Tierney. Tierney is an Irish surname derived from the Gaelic O'Tighearnaigh. The name comes from 'tighearna' meaning 'lord' or 'master, consequently O'Tighearnaigh means the son or male descendant of Tighearnach.

Meaning: Regal. Origin: Celtic


Tierney Name Meaning. Irish: reduced form of O'Tierney, an Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Tíghearnaigh 'descendant of Tighearnach', a byname meaning 'lord', 'master'. The Gaelic name is sometimes 'translated' as English Lord.

Meaning: Lord Origin: English


Spanish Meaning: The name Tierra is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Tierra is: Earth.

Meaning: Earth Origin: Spanish


Famous real-life people named Tiersa: | Edit. biblical character. Tiersa in song, story & screen: | Edit. First heard the name in a movie belonging to the role of a very young. petite girl with long dark hair, huge blue eyes, fair skin.


The girl's name Tierza ti(er)-za is a variant of Tirzah (Hebrew), and the meaning of Tierza is "delight, pleasantness, cypress tree". Personal experiences with the name Tierza: | Edit.


The name Tiesha is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Tiesha is: Abbreviation of Leticia or Latisha.

Meaning: Joy Origin: American


Tieve. Irish Origin. "Hillside" The meaning of the name Tieve is Hillside. The origin of the name Tieve is Irish.

Meaning: Hillside Origin: Irish



Tif is used chiefly in the English language and its origin is Old Greek. Tif is a short form of the name Tiffany (English and German). Tif is infrequently used as a baby name for girls.

Meaning: Ephiphany, manifestation of God


Its source is Theophania, a Greek name meaning "Revelation of God." Famous real-life people named Tifa: | Edit Share what you know! Tifa in song, story & screen: | Edit. Tifa Lockhart, a main character from Final Fantasy VII.

Meaning: Ephiphany, manifestation of God


from Θεοφάνεια, Theophania-manifestation of God, appearance of God. Region of origin. Greece. Tiffany /ˈtɪfəni/ is an English form of the Greek Theophania. It was formerly often given to children born on the feast of Theophania, that is, Epiphany.

Meaning: Gods incarnate Origin: Greek