Meanings and history of the name Tonja: | Edit. German Origin, variant of Antonia. " J" ia "Y" sound. Russian origin. Famous real-life people named Tonja: | Edit Share what you know!
Origin of the name Antonia: Feminine form of Anthony, a name derived from the old Roman family name Antonius, which is of uncertain origin and meaning.
According to a user from Arizona, United States, the name Tonna is of Nigerian origin and means "Praise God (Literally translates to: Praise Father)".
Tonni. DIMINUTIVE OF: antonia. ORIGIN: various origin / latin NAME ROOT: (-ton) (Antōnius) MEANING: This name is the Scandinavian masculine version of the name "Toni", a pet form of names ending with the element "-ton".
Latin Meaning: The name Tonia is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Tonia is: Praiseworthy.
MEANING: This name is the Scandinavian masculine version of the name "Toni", a pet form of names ending with the element "-ton". ... The name means “highly praiseworthy” and derives from the root “Antōnius”, a Gens (Roman family name) to which (Marcus Antonius) belonged.
Russian Meaning: The name Tonya is a Russian baby name. In Russian the meaning of the name Tonya is: Praiseworthy. Abbreviation of Antonina.
Contribute your knowledge to the name Tono. Report inappropriate content. Comments and insights on the name Tono: | Edit. Toño is a nickname for Antonio and Antonino. A very rare name ,but given to powerful people.People having the name TONO are very unique in nature.
English Meaning: The name Tony is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Tony is: Highly praiseworthy.' From a Roman clan name. This abbreviation of Anthony and its variants has been used since medieval times as an independent name.
The name Tonya is a Russian baby name. In Russian the meaning of the name Tonya is: Praiseworthy. Abbreviation of Antonina.