The different meanings of the name Ambrogio are: Greek meaning: Immortal. Italian meaning: Immortal.
Ambroise [am-broise] as a boys' name is a Greek name, and the meaning of the name Ambroise is "immortal". Ambroise is a variant form of Ambrose (Greek). ASSOCIATED WITH greek.
Meaning & History. From the Late Latin name Ambrosius, which was derived from the Greek name ΑμβÏοσιος (Ambrosios) meaning "immortal". Saint Ambrose was a 4th-century theologian and bishop of Milan, who is considered a Doctor of the Church.
From the Late Latin name Ambrosius, which was derived from the Greek name ΑμβÏοσιος (Ambrosios) meaning "immortal". Saint Ambrose was a 4th-century theologian and bishop of Milan, who is considered a Doctor of the Church.
From the Late Latin name Ambrosius, which was derived from the Greek name Αμβροσιος (Ambrosios) meaning "immortal". Saint Ambrose was a 4th-century theologian and bishop of Milan, who is considered a Doctor of the Church.
It derives from the personal name "Ambrosios", meaning divine or immortal, a meaning which no doubt assisted its great popularity.
Greek Meaning: The name Ambrosia is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Ambrosia is: Food of the gods.
The name Ambrosina is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Ambrosina is: Feminine forms of the Greek Ambrose.
French Meaning: The name Ambrosine is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Ambrosine is: Feminine forms of the Greek Ambrose.
The name Ambrosio is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Ambrosio is: Divine.