French Meaning: The name Lovell is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Lovell is: Wolf cub. Encountered more often as a surname rather than as a first name.
This surname, of English or Scottish origin, and found chiefly in Staffordshire, can be either a nickname from the Anglo-Norman French "lo(u)vet", meaning "wolfcub" or "young wolf", or it can be a locational name from Lovat near Beauly, Inverness, deriving from the Gaelic "lobh", meaning "rot", plus "ait", place.
Lovino is perhaps a variant of Lavina Meaning unknown, probably of Etruscan origin. More commonly in use as a surname. Lovino (Italian): "To ruin" In Italian, Lovino means "The wine". The word "lo" means "the" and the word "vino" means "wine".
Lowden Name Meaning. English (chiefly County Durham) and Scottish: variant spelling of Louden.
This ancient surname which can be confusingly English, Dutch, Germanic, Norman French or even Scottish in origin. ... If English it is usually spelt Low or Lowe, and derives from the pre 7th century word 'hlaw, meaning a prominent small hill, a barrow or burial mound, and hence somebody who lived by such a place.
The name Lowell is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Lowell is: Wolf cub. Encountered more often as a surname rather than as a first name.
Lowen Name Meaning. English: variant of Lewin 1. This name is also found in the Netherlands, and in Sweden as Löwen, Löwén, Lövén, in both cases presumably derived from the German surname Löwe (see Loewe), although the Swedish forms could equally be ornamental names from löv 'leaf'.
Scottish Meaning: The name Logan is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Logan is: Finnian's servant.
Meaning of name Lowie. Etymology : Diminutive of LODEWIJK. Saint : Origin : Dutch.
The name Loxias is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Loxias is: Crooked.