Variant(s) MacAuley, Macauley. Macaulay, McAuley, MacAuley, and Macauley are surnames in the English language. There are several etymological origins for the names: all of which originated as patronyms in several Gaelic languages—Irish and Scottish Gaelic.
McAuliffe or MacAuliffe is a surname of Norse Irish origin. The name is an Anglicisation of the Gaelic Mac Amhlaoibh, meaning "son of Amhlaoibh".
The root of the ancient Dalriadan-Scottish name MacAuslan is the Gaelic form of Absolom, which means peace. Historically this name can be found in The Bible, as the name of the third son of King David, who was killed for rebellion against his father. Buy PDF History »
MacBain. Buy JPG Image » The chronicle of the name MacBain begins with a family in the Pictish clans of ancient Scotland. The name is derived from the Gaelic word Beathan or betha which means life. Bean was also the name of a saint in the Breviary of Aberdeen.
MacBean is an ancient Pictish-Scottish name. It is derived from the Gaelic word Beathan or betha which means life. Bean was also the name of a saint in the Breviary of Aberdeen.
Anglicized form of the Gaelic given name Mac Beatha meaning "son of life", implying holiness. This was the name of an 11th-century Scottish king. Shakespeare based his play 'Macbeth' loosely on this king's life.
The name "McBride" or "MacBride" is the English spelling for the Irish name "Mac Giolla Brídhe" meaning son of the follower, or servant, of Brigid, a sixth century Saint.
Meanings and history of the name Maccabee: | Edit. The Maccabees (Hebrew: מכבים or מקבים, Makabim or Maqabim; Greek Μακκαβαῖοι, /makav'εï/) were a Jewish rebel army who liberated parts of the Land of Israel from the rule of the Seleucid Empire.
Mac. Meanings and history of the name Maccabi: | Edit. From Latin, meaning "hammer" Maccabi is the singular form of the Maccabees. The Maccabees were a group of heroes from Jewish history.
MacCallum History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms. MacCallum. Buy JPG Image » In the mountains of Scotland's west coast and on the Hebrides islands, the ancestors of the MacCallum family were born. Their name comes from the Gaelic personal name "MacChaluim" which means "son of Calum," oe "son of St. Colomba."