BrE. a well-known poem (1818) by Shelley. It describes a broken statue of a legendary king of ancient times, lying forgotten in the desert, with these words carved on its base: “My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!” Check pronunciation: Ozymandias.
The name Ozzi is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Ozzi is: Strong.
Hebrew Meaning: The name Ozzie is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Ozzie is: Strong.
English Meaning: The name Ozzy is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Ozzy is: Divine power.
A male's surname generally takes the form Ó/Ua (meaning "descendant") or Mac ("son") followed by the genitive case of a name, as in Ó Dónaill ("descendant of Dónall") or Mac Lochlainn ("son of Lochlann"). ... When anglicised, the name can remain O' or Mac, regardless of gender.
Irish Surname - O'Brien. The surname O'Brien is 'O'Briain' in Irish, meaning descendant of Brian (Boru). The name means 'exalted one' or 'eminence'. ... His victory at Clontarf united all of Ireland, nominally at least, under a single leader, though Brian himself was slain.
The surname O'Brien is 'O'Briain' in Irish, meaning descendant of Brian (Boru). The name means 'exalted one' or 'eminence'. It is among the ten most frequently found in Ireland and derives from the 10th century King of Ireland, Brian Boru.
O'Keeffe (Irish: Ó Caoimh), also O'Keefe, Keef, or Keefe, is the name of an Irish Gaelic clan based most prominently in what is today County Cork, particularly around Fermoy and Duhallow.
Irish Meaning: The name O'shay is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name O'shay is: Surname.
In modern Irish this surname is usually O'Sé and the anglicised version is O'Shea or Shea. The name is derived from the Gaelic word 'séaghdha' which means hawklike or stately. The O'Sheas were primarily a Kerry sept and their power base was the Iveragh peninsula in County Kerry.