Origin of the name Paul: From the Latin Paulus, which originated as a Roman family name derived from paulus (small). Paul was the adopted name of Saul of Tarsus, a Jewish Roman citizen converted to Christianity by a vision of Christ which blinded him for several days.
The meaning of the name “Powa” is: “Wealthy”.
Powell Name Meaning. English (of Welsh origin): Anglicized form of Welsh ap Hywel 'son of Hywel', a personal name meaning 'eminent' (see Howell). Irish: mainly of Welsh origin as in 1 above, but sometimes a surname adopted as equivalent of Gaelic Mac Giolla Phóil 'son of the servant of St. Paul' (see Guilfoyle).
The surname Powers came from a nickname for a poor man or a pauper. This name implies a voluntary vow of poverty rather than involuntary destitution. The surname Powers is derived from the Old French word "povre," which comes from the Latin word "pauper," which means "poor."
The word “pow wow” is derived from the Narragansett word powwaw, meaning "spiritual leader".
This interesting surname is of Welsh origin, and is a locational name from Powys. The new division of Wales into counties has brought back the name Powys; in the medieval period it was the name of the princedom of north-east Wales. ... In the modern idiom the surname can be found as Powys, Powes and Powis.