The name Colletta is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Colletta is: Victorious.
The name Collette is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Collette is: Necklace. Victorious.
Colley is a surname, which can be of English, Scottish or Irish origins. The English origins of the surname can be traced to Yorkshire, where the names containing the root 'Col' were a common derivative of the given name Nicholas. Notable people with the surname include: Anne Colley, Irish politician.
Collice [col-lice] as a girls' name is of Old English derivation, and the meaning of the name Collice is "coal miner; dark haired". Collice is an alternate spelling of Collis (Old English): occupational name.
Collier Family History. Collier Name Meaning. English: occupational name for a burner of charcoal or a gatherer or seller of coal, from Middle English cole '(char)coal' + the agent suffix -(i)er.
Origin of the name Colin: Borrowed from the English, Colin originated as a medieval variant of the obsolete Colle, a short form of Nicholas (victory of the people). Alternatively, Colin is the Anglicized form of the Gaelic Cailean (dove). Var: Collan, Collin, Collun, Coln, Colun.
Collingwood Name Meaning. English: habitational name, probably from Collingwood in Staffordshire, although the surname is now more common on Tyneside. The place name arose from a wood the ownership of which was disputed (from Middle English calenge 'dispute', 'challenge').
The surname Collins has a variety of likely origins in Britain and Ireland: Anglo-Saxon: A patronymic surname based on the name Colin, an English diminutive form of Nicholas. In England, Collins usually signified "son of Colin." Irish: "cuilein" = darling, a term of endearment applied to a whelp or young animal.
English Meaning: The name Collis is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Collis is: Son of the dark man.
Last name: Collison. SDB Popularity ranking: 4204. This is an unusual variant on the surname "Collins", which is an English patronymic form of the early Middle English "Col(l)in", itself a diminutive of Coll, a pet form of Nicholas.