Christian Baby Names Boys & Girls Starting with C


Origin of the name Christopher: Derived from the Greek Christophoros, which is composed of the elements Christos (Christ) and pherein (to bear).

Meaning: Christ bearer Origin: Greek



Cristopher is mainly an Americanized respelling; a small alteration whereby the first “h” is dropped. The traditional English spelling of Christopher comes from the Greek "Khristophoros" which, broken down into each Greek element, means Christ (Khristos) and "to bear" (pherein).

Meaning: Christ, to bear


From Greek Χριστος (Christos) meaning "anointed", derived from χριω (chrio) meaning "to anoint". This was a name applied to Jesus by early Greek-speaking Christians. It is a translation of the Hebrew word מָשִׁיחַ (mashiyach), commonly spelled in English messiah, which also means "anointed".

Meaning: The annointed Origin: Spanish


Spanish Meaning: The name Cristoval is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Cristoval is: With Christ inside.

Meaning: With christ inside Origin: Spanish



The different meanings of the name Cristovao are: Greek meaning: Bearer of Christ. Portuguese meaning: Bearer of Christ.

Meaning: Bearing Christ Origin: Greek, Portuguese


Scottish Meaning: The name Cristy is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Cristy is: Abbreviation of Christine. Follower of Christ.

Meaning: A familiar form of cristina Origin: Latin


The different meanings of the name Cristyn are: Latin meaning: Follower of Christ. Welsh meaning: Follower of Christ.

Meaning: Derived from christian Origin: English



Crockett Name Meaning. English and Scottish (Galloway): nickname for someone who affected a particular hairstyle, from Middle English croket 'large curl' (Old Norman French croquet, a diminutive of croque 'curl', 'hook'). Scottish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Riocaird 'son of Richard' (see Richard).

Meaning: Wearing a large curl Origin: English


From a surname which was derived from a place name meaning "town with a small enclosed field" in Old English.

Meaning: From the enclosed town Origin: English


From a surname which was derived from a place name meaning "town with a small enclosed field" in Old English.