Griselda is a feminine given name from Germanic sources that is now used in English, Italian, and Spanish as well. ... It has been suggested that the name may originate from older German "gris hild", meaning "dark battle".
Gracie is originally a Scottish surname, an anglicisation of the Scottish Gaelic word greusaich (or griasaich), originally meaning an embroiderer and later a shoemaker. It is also a feminine given name, usually a diminutive form of Grace.
The name Grid is a Norse baby name. In Norse the meaning of the name Grid is: A wife of Odin.
Gender: F Meaning of Grier: "alert, watchful" Origin of Grier: Scottish, spelling variation of Greer. Share Grier on Facebook Share on Facebook. Share Grier on Twitter Share on Twitter. Share Grier on Google Plus Share on Google+ Love the name Grier.
The different meanings of the name Griet are: Greek meaning: Pearl. English meaning: Pearl. Dutch meaning: Daisy; girl.
"A Pearl" The meaning of the name Grietje is A Pearl. The origin of the name Grietje is Dutch. This is the culture in which the name originated, or in the case of a word, the language. Diminutive form of Margriet or Margaret.
The name Griff is a Welsh baby name. In Welsh the meaning of the name Griff is: Fighting chief; fierce. The fierce Gryphon of Greek mythology and medieval legend was a creature with foreparts of an eagle and hindquarters of a lion.
Origin. Welsh: Fighting chief; fierce. The fierce Gryphon of Greek mythology and medieval legend was a creature with foreparts of an eagle and hindquarters of a lion.
Griffith, and its Welsh form Gruffudd or Gruffydd, is a name of Welsh origin that may be used as a personal name or surname, with or without the s as in Griffiths. ... The name can also be associated with the Irish surname Griffin. Anglo-Norman scribes rendered Gruffudd#Griffidd and Gruffydd as Griffith.
Griffin Name Meaning. Welsh: from a medieval Latinized form, Griffinus, of the Welsh personal name Gruffudd (see Griffith). English: nickname for a fierce or dangerous person, from Middle English griffin 'gryphon' (from Latin gryphus, Greek gryps, of Assyrian origin).