Christian Baby Girl Names Meanings


The name Tayce is a Female name. French meaning: The name Tayce is a French baby name The French meaning of Tayce is: Silence.

Meaning: Silence Origin: French



Tayci is derived from Latin origins. Tayci is a variation of the name Tacita (English). Tayci is not popular as a baby girl name. It is not listed within the top 1000.


Origin and Meaning of Taydem. "Taydem" is a name of English origin, and it means "Light hearted, Cheerful, originally spelt Tatum".

Meaning: Light hearted Origin: English


The name Taye is a baby boy name. The name Taye comes from the African-American origin. In English the meaning of the name Taye is: A name of Ethiopian origin, meaning, "one who has been seen." Similar Names: Haye ( Scottish )

Meaning: A short form of taylor Origin: Scottish


Tayen. The name Tayen is a Female name. Native American meaning: The name Tayen is a Native American baby name The Native American meaning of Tayen is: New moon.


A) Japanese name 大河, meaning "big, large" + "river" B) The boreal forest which encircles the northern subarctic. Pronounced: TAH-ee-gah, TIE-gah (English) Famous real-life people named Taiga: | Edit Share what you know!


About: Tayla. The baby name Tayla of english origin means tailor. The Huggies Baby Name Finder can help you create a list of popular baby names including Tayla and then let you share with family and friends. You might also consider similar names to Tayla which include Taylor, Taylar, Taylah.

Meaning: A short form of taylor Origin: English


About: Taylah. The baby name Taylah of english origin means tailor. The Huggies Baby Name Finder can help you create a list of popular baby names including Taylah and then let you share with family and friends. You might also consider similar names to Taylah which include Taylor, Tayla, Taylar.

Meaning: A tailor Origin: English


Origin and Meaning of Taylar. "Taylar" is a name of French origin, and it means "Angel". It's a name commonly given to girls.

Meaning: A form of taylor Origin: English



Origin of the name Taylor: Transferred use of the surname derived from the Anglo-French taillour (tailor), which is from the Old French taillier (to cut). The name arose as an occupational name. From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman.Buy the book.

Meaning: To cut