Whitaker Name Meaning. English: habitational name from any of various places named with Old English hwit 'white' or hw?te 'wheat' + æcer 'cultivated land', as for example Whitaker in Lancashire and Whitacre in Warwickshire (both 'white field') or Whiteacre in Kent and Wheatacre in Norfolk (both 'wheat field').
From a surname which was originally derived from a place name meaning "white island" in Old English. Its popular use as a feminine name was initiated by actress Whitney Blake (1925-2002) in the 1960s, and further boosted in the 1980s by singer Whitney Houston (1963-2012).
Meaning. "from the white island" Whitney is both a masculine and feminine given name.
From a surname which was originally derived from a place name meaning "white island" in Old English. Its popular use as a feminine name was initiated by actress Whitney Blake (1925-2002) in the 1960s, and further boosted in the 1980s by singer Whitney Houston (1963-2012).
From a surname which was originally derived from a place name meaning "white island" in Old English.
Meaning & History. From a surname which was originally derived from a place name meaning "white island" in Old English. Its popular use as a feminine name was initiated by actress Whitney Blake (1925-2002) in the 1960s, and further boosted in the 1980s by singer Whitney Houston (1963-2012).
Meaning & History. From a surname which was originally derived from a place name meaning "white island" in Old English. Its popular use as a feminine name was initiated by actress Whitney Blake (1925-2002) in the 1960s, and further boosted in the 1980s by singer Whitney Houston (1963-2012).
Whitter Name Meaning. English (chiefly Lancashire): occupational name for a whitewasher, from an agent derivative of Old English hwitian 'to whiten'.
Whittier Name Meaning. English: occupational name for a white-leather dresser, from Middle English whit 'white' + taw(i)er 'tawer' (from an agent derivative of Middle English taw(en) 'to prepare').
Whittley Family History. Whittley Name Meaning English: variant spelling of Whitley. 15,526 Historical Documents with Whittley on Ancestry 6,324 Birth, Marriage, and Deaths 4,134 Census and Voter Lists 570 Military Records 476 Immigration Records 4,022 Member Trees.