Christian Baby Girl Names Meanings


Brier Name Meaning. English (Yorkshire): topographic name for someone who lived by a briar patch, Middle English brere. This was also applied as a nickname for a prickly, difficult person. Scottish and northern Irish: reduced form of McBriar (see McBrayer).

Meaning: Briar plant Origin: English


[ syll. briet, br-i-et ] The baby girl name Briet is pronounced as BRIYAHT †. Briet is used mostly in the English language and it is also of English origin. Briet is a derivative of the English name Briar. Briet is also a derivative of the Dutch, English, and Scandinavian name Britt.

Meaning: Beautiful Origin: Scandinavian


The name Brietta is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Brietta is: Strong.

Meaning: Strong Origin: Celtic


The name is derived from Proto-Celtic *Brigantī and means "The High One", cognate with the Old Irish name Brigit, the Old High German personal name Burgunt, the Sanskrit word Bṛhatī (बृहती) "high", an epithet of the Hindu dawn goddess Ushas, and Avestan bǝrǝzaitī.

Meaning: Yorkshire goddess Origin: English


German, Dutch and Hungarian form of BRIDGET. Celtic Meaning: Strong. Irish Meaning: Derived from the Irish name Brighid, meaning 'the high one' or 'strength.' Brighid was a mythological Celtic goddess of fire and poetry.

Meaning: Strong Origin: Swedish


French Meaning: The name Brigette is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Brigette is: Strength. Mythological Celtic goddess of fire and poetry.

Meaning: Strong Origin: Irish


Celtic Meaning: The name Brighid is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Brighid is: Strong.

Meaning: Strong. Origin: Celtic


Bridget or Brigid is a Gaelic/Irish female name derived from the noun brígh, meaning "power, strength, vigor, virtue". An alternate meaning of the name is "exalted one".

Meaning: Strong Origin: Irish



Spanish Meaning: The name Brigida is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Brigida is: Strong.

Meaning: Powerful, Strong Origin: Irish, Portuguese


Spanish meaning: The name Brigidia is a Spanish baby name The Spanish meaning of Brigidia is: Strong.

Meaning: Bridget Origin: Spanish