Christian Baby Girl Names Meanings


The meaning of the name “Guillermina” is: “Loving, Resolute protector”. Categories: Spanish Names.

Meaning: Loving Origin: Spanish


Guin Name Meaning. French: from a Germanic personal name or short form of various compound names formed with wini 'friend'.

Meaning: Fair, white, soft Origin: Welsh



Contribute your knowledge to the name Guinevere. ... Old French form of the Welsh name Gwenhwyfar, which is composed of the elements gwen meaning "fair, white" and hwyfar meaning "smooth". In Arthurian legend she was the beautiful wife of King Arthur who engaged in an adulterous affair with Sir Lancelot.

Meaning: Woman of white magic Origin: Welsh


Contribute your knowledge to the name Guinevere. ... Old French form of the Welsh name Gwenhwyfar, which is composed of the elements gwen meaning "fair, white" and hwyfar meaning "smooth". In Arthurian legend she was the beautiful wife of King Arthur who engaged in an adulterous affair with Sir Lancelot.

Meaning: White wave Origin: Irish


Italian Meaning: The name Giuseppe is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Giuseppe is: He shall add.

Meaning: God gives Origin: Italian


Giuseppe is the Italian form of Joseph. Joseph, in turn, is derived from the Hebrew Yosef (יוֹסֵף) meaning “(God) shall add (another son).” This is a fitting etymology since Joseph (Giuseppe) was Jacob's (Giacobbe's) eleventh son in the book of Genesis.

Meaning: He shall add. Origin: Hebrew


Origin of the name Josephine: English form of the French Joséphine, a feminine form of Joseph, which is derived from the Hebrew Yōsēf (God will add, God will increase).

Meaning: He shall add. Origin: Hebrew


Australian Aboriginal meaning: The name Gulara is a Australian Aboriginal baby name The Australian Aboriginal meaning of Gulara is: Goolara.

Meaning: Moonlight Origin: Australian


Meanings and history of the name Gulielma: | Edit. Feminine form of Gulielmus, the Latin form of William. Pronounced "JULIE-el-ma" -- the G is soft. Famous real-life people named Gulielma: | Edit. Gulielma Maria Springett Penn, beautiful first wife of William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania.

Meaning: Feminine form of william, will-helmet Origin: German



Gull Name Meaning. English: nickname from Middle English gulle 'gull' or gul(le) (Old Norse gulr) 'yellow', 'pale' (of hair or complexion). Swiss German: nickname for an irascible or unreliable person, from an Alemannic form of Latin gallus 'rooster'.