Ilyse Girl's name meaning, origin, and popularity.
Ilyssa [ilyssa] as a name for girls has its roots in Old German and Greek, and the meaning of the name Ilyssa is "noble, exalted; rational". Ilyssa is a variant form of Alice (Old German). Ilyssa is also a variation of Alyssa (Greek). Ilyssa is also used as a derivative of Elissa.
The different meanings of the name Ima are: Japanese meaning: Now; the present. English meaning: A very rare form of Emma. German meaning: A form of Irma.
Native American Origin. "Disciplinarian" The meaning of the name Imala is Disciplinarian. The origin of the name Imala is Native American.
The name Imani is a baby girl name. The name Imani comes from the African-American origin. In English the meaning of the name Imani is: Of Kiswahili origin, meaning "faith."
Meaning & History. Means "faith" in Swahili, ultimately of Arabic origin.
Germanic meaning: Entire battle. Spanish meaning: Entire battle.
Spanish Meaning: The name Imelda is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Imelda is: Powerful fighter. The name of a fourteenth-century Spanish saint.
imma. SHORT FORM OF: immaculada, immacolata. LANGUAGE FAMILY: indo-european > italic > latin ORIGIN: latin NAME ROOT: INMăCÅLÄTUS > INMACULATA. MEANING: This name derives from the Latin name “Inmaculataâ€, based on the word: inmăcÅlÄtus.
Meanings and history of the name Immacolata: | Edit. Immacolata is an Italian name meaning "immaculate." It is used to commemorate the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary.