Iskandar or Eskandar or Iskander is the Eastern variant of the given name Alexander after Alexander the Great, as preserved by various cultures such as Persia (now Iran) and others of the Middle East and Central Asia through works such as the Quran and Iskandarnamah.
A compound Greek name composed of the elements alexein (to defend, to help) and andros (man): hence, “defender or helper of mankind.” The name was borne by Alexander the Great (356—323 B.C.), a Macedonian king and military conqueror who helped spread the Greek culture across Asia Minor to Egypt and India.
Origin of the name Alexander: A compound Greek name composed of the elements alexein (to defend, to help) and andros (man): hence, “defender or helper of mankind.”
Isla is a Scottish name. Yes, we know “isla” is the Spanish word for 'island' but in reality the beautiful name Isla comes to us from the Scots. And it's pronounced “eye-la”. ... Perhaps the original name originated from the Gaelic “aileach” meaning 'rocky place'.
Origin of the name Isla: Modern Scottish coinage derived from the pronunciation of Islay, which is the name of a Scottish island.
Irish Meaning: The name Isleen is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Isleen is: Vision.
Norse Meaning: The name Isleif is a Norse baby name. In Norse the meaning of the name Isleif is: Brother of Isrod.
The name Islene is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Islene is: Vision.
The surname "Isler" appears to be occupational in origin. My research indicated that it can be associated with the Germans, meaning, "one who was an iron cutter or iron miner".
Origin and Etymology of isleta. Isleta, Indian village and pueblo in central New Mexico occupied by the Isleta people, from Spanish isleta islet, diminutive of isla island, from Latin insula.