Christian Baby Names Boys & Girls Starting with M


The meaning of the name “Montego” is: “Mountainous”. Categories: Spanish Names.

Meaning: Mountainous



Italian Meaning: The name Montel is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Montel is: Mountain. Abbreviation of Montague and Montgomery.

Meaning: Little mountain Origin: French


Italian Meaning: The name Montel is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Montel is: Mountain. Abbreviation of Montague and Montgomery.

Meaning: Talk show host montel williams


Montenegro Name Meaning. Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian: habitational name from any of various places in Spain, Portugal, and Italy called Montenegro ('black mountain').

Meaning: Black mountain Origin: Spanish


Last name: Montes. SDB Popularity ranking: 3830. This surname is of Old French origin, but recorded throughout Northern Europe from the medieval period. There are many spellings including the French Mont, Monte, and Dumont, the Spanish Montes and Montez, and the English Mount, Mounter, and Munt.

Meaning: Mountain abbreviation of montague and montgomery Origin: Italian


Montez Name Meaning. Portuguese (Montez, also Montês): topographic name for a mountain dweller, from montês 'of the mountain'. Spanish: from a variant of the adjective montés, having the same meaning as 1.

Meaning: Mountain abbreviation of montague and montgomery Origin: Italian



Moctezuma Name Meaning. Nahuatl: American Indian name adopted in honor of Moctezuma, the name of the last ruler of the Aztec empire, who was killed by the Spanish in 1520.

Meaning: Unclear Origin: Native American



Montgomery Name Meaning. English, Scottish, and northern Irish (of Norman origin): habitational name from a place in Calvados, France, so named from Old French mont 'hill' + a Germanic personal name composed of the elements guma 'man' + ric 'power'.

Meaning: Strong man's hill Origin: French


The Meaning Behind the Names of the Months. ... March is named for Mars (the god of war), May is named for Maiesta (the goddess of honor), and June is named for the goddess Juno. April comes from the Roman word aprilis which means “to open”. It is a reference to spring and the opening of flower buds.

Meaning: God of thebes Origin: Egyptian


Monti Name Meaning Italian: variant of Monte, from the plural.

Meaning: A short form of montgomery Origin: English