Raymond is a male given name. It was borrowed into English from French (older French spellings were Reimund and Raimund, whereas the modern English and French spellings are identical). It originated as the Germanic Raginmund or Reginmund. "Ragin" (Old German) and "regin" (Gothic) meant "counsel."
Meaning of name Rayne is Strong Counselor. The origins of the name Rayne are highly disputed. It could be French or English, giving it the meaning "queen." It could be Scandinavian, in which case it would mean "mighty." It is possible that it is even Jewish in origin and means "song"
The name Rayshawn is a Contemporary baby name. In Contemporary the meaning of the name Rayshawn is: Blend of Ray and Shawn.
The family name Reagan, and its cognates Regan, O'Regan, O Regan, O'Reagan, is an Anglicized form of the Irish surname Ó Riagáin or Ó Ríogáin, from Ua Riagáin. The meaning is likely to originate in ancient gaelic from ri "sovereign, king" and the diminutive -in, "the king's child", transliterating as "little king".
The name Regan is a actually a baby boy name. The name Regan originally comes from the Celtic origin. In Celtic The meaning of the name Regan is: "Regal" or "little King".
Etymology & Historical Origin - Rebeca. Rebeca is the Spanish and Portuguese form of Rebecca. ... The etymology of the name is debated, although we do know it's Hebrew in origin. The Hebrew name “Rivka” possibly means “to snare, bind, trap” but it is also said to mean “captivating” (we like the latter meaning best).
The meaning of the name “Redell” is: “Red Meadow”.
The name Reece is a Welsh baby name. In Welsh the meaning of the name Reece is: Ardent; fiery.
Origin of the name Reed: Transferred use of the English surname derived from the Middle English read, reade (red), which is from the Old English read (red). The name originated as a nickname for someone which red hair or with a red, ruddy complexion.
Reegan is a spelling variant of the Gaelic name Regan. Regan can be pronounced either REE-gan or RAY-gan and the spelling Reegan probably came about to distinguish the names pronunciation. Reegan is found used as a name for both boys and girls.