This is hindu baby boy name. Meaning of Sabarishri is . The poeple have viewed this name 2325 times.
Sabesan - Detailed Meaning. The name of Sabesan gives you a very sensitive, intuitive nature, causing you to be motivated strongly by inspiring experiences and the influence of people and environment, rather than by analysis.
Sabhajit is a baby boy name its meaning is . Mostly popular in hindu religion. The poeple have viewed this name 1902 times.
Sabhanayagam is a baby boy name its meaning is . Mostly popular in hindu religion. The poeple have viewed this name 1149 times.
This is hindu baby boy name. Meaning of Sabhrant is . The poeple have viewed this name 2602 times.
Meaning of the name Sabhya is 'Civilized'. Sabhya is a name of Hindu / Indian origin, and is commonly used for males.
Sabindu is a baby boy name its meaning is . Mostly popular in hindu religion. The poeple have viewed this name 1095 times.
Meanings and history of the name Sabine: | Edit. Sabine means "woman of the Sabine people", the Italian tribe from which, according to legend, the ancient Romans kidnapped their wives-to-be in order to populate their newly-founded city. It is the French and German form of Sabina.
MEANING: This name derives from the Ancient Greek “sébas (σέβας) sebastós (σεβαστός)”; later from the Latin name Sebastianus. Sebaste is the name of a town in Asia Minor, present-day Sivas. Sebastos was the Greek translation of the Latin title “Augustus”, which was used for Roman emperors.
Sabresh is a baby boy name its meaning is . Mostly popular in hindu religion. The poeple have viewed this name 1933 times.