Name: Nahida. Show similar names Show variant names. Name Nahida generally means Elevated or Delightful, is of Indian origin, Name Nahida is a Feminine (or Girl) name. Person with name Nahida are mainly Muslim by religion. .
The name Nandin is a Hindi baby name. In Hindi the meaning of the name Nandin is: Named for Shiva's bull Nandi.
Naomi (נָעֳמִי) is a feminine Jewish name of Hebrew origin. In Hebrew, it means "pleasantness" and was originally pronounced with the stress on the a (the o is a hataf qamatz, marked with a shva to indicate that it is very short). In Judaism and Christianity, Naomi is Ruth's mother-in-law.
Meaning of the name Naomi. Naomi is a biblical name dervied from 'noam' and means 'sweetness, beautiful, pleasant, delightful'. It is a traditional Jewish name featured in bible. It is also of Japanese origin meaning 'beautiful honesty'.