Name Komesh or (no variations) means Lord. Person born with name Komesh are people of fashion. The natives with name Komesh are philanthropic. Another significant characteristic of Komesh is that they are boundless. Komesh has expression number 8 which has some meaning in Indian vedic astrology or Numerology.
Origin of the name Kyra: Feminine form of the Greek Kyros, a name thought to be derived from kyrios (lord) or from the Persian khur (the sun).
Greek for Lord; Kyrie Eleison are the only Greek words in the Latin mass. Personal experiences with the name Kyrie: | Edit. It's my name! My daughter, Mercy's middle name. Kyrie is from the "Kyrie Eleison" of the church liturgy, meaning "Lord, have mercy."
Kyrra [kyrra] as a girls' name is of Greek derivation, and Kyrra means "lord". Kyrra is a variant form of Kyra (Greek).