List of 5 Names with "Of magdala" in Meaning Starting with M

A collection of baby names with meaning of of magdala. We found in our database 5 names have the similar meanings. If you want to hold this word 'Of magdala' for your lovely kid, please proceed to collection and choose any of the alternative in the list given below:


From a title which meant "of Magdala". Mary Magdalene, a character in the New Testament, was named thus because she was from Magdala - a village on the Sea of Galilee whose name meant "tower" in Hebrew.

Meaning: Of magdala Origin: Hebrew


The name Magdalena is a Czechoslovakian baby name. In Czechoslovakian the meaning of the name Magdalena is: Woman from Magdala. The biblical Mary Magdalene came from Magdala area near the sea of Galilee.

Meaning: Of magdala Origin: Hebrew



Hebrew: Woman from Magdala; The biblical Mary Magdalene came from Magdala, a village on the sea of Galilee whose name meant "tower" in Hebrew. She was healed by Jesus and remained with him during his ministry and the crucifixion, and was a witness to his resurrection.

Meaning: Of magdala Origin: Hebrew



Meanings and history of the name Malin: | Edit. Norwegian and Swedish short form of Magdalena. Pronounced: MAH-lin. The meaning of the name Malin is ''woman from magdala'' Famous real-life people named Malin: | Edit.

Meaning: Of magdala Origin: Hebrew



The name Marlene is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Marlene is: A compound of Maria and Magdalene.. Woman from Magdala. Famous Bearer: Film star Marlene Dietrich.

Meaning: Of magdala Origin: Hebrew