Shuaib (Arabic pronunciation: [ʃuʕajb]), or Shuʿayb, or Shoaib (Arabic: شعيب‎‎ šuʿayb; meaning "who shows the right path"), was an ancient Midianite Prophet, sometimes identified with the Biblical Jethro (though Islam attributes to him many deeds not mentioned in the Bible).
Shuaib (Arabic pronunciation: [ʃuʕajb]), or Shuʿayb, or Shoaib (Arabic: شعيب šuʿayb; meaning "who shows the right path"), was an ancient Midianite Prophet, sometimes identified with the Biblical Jethro (though Islam attributes to him many deeds not mentioned in the Bible).
Shuaib (Arabic pronunciation: [ʃuʕajb]), or Shuʿayb, or Shoaib (Arabic: شعيب‎‎ šuʿayb; meaning "who shows the right path"), was an ancient Midianite Prophet, sometimes identified with the Biblical Jethro (though Islam attributes to him many deeds not mentioned in the Bible).