Origin of the name Julia: Feminine form of the Latin Julius, an old Roman family name thougth to be derived from Iulus (the first down on the chin, downy-bearded). Because a person just beginning to develop facial hair is young, the definition of this name and its related forms has evolved to "youth."
Latin Meaning: The name Juliana is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Juliana is: Youthful. The feminine form of Julian. Famous Bearer: Former Queen Juliana of the Netherlands.
The name Julianna is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Julianna is: Young. Jove's child. Feminine of Julius.
Latin Meaning: The name Juliana is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Juliana is: Youthful. The feminine form of Julian. Famous Bearer: Former Queen Juliana of the Netherlands.