Pasha Family History. Pasha Name Meaning. Muslim, Balkan, and eastern Mediterranean: status name or honorific title from Turkish basa 'pasha', a title of rank for a regional governor in the Ottoman Empire.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Ad-Din (Arabic: الْدِّين ad-dīn "(of) the Islamic Religion/ Faith/ Creed"), a suffix component of some Arabic Muslim names, meaning "the religion/ faith/ creed of Islam", e.g. Saif al-Din (Arabic:سيف الدّين Sayfu 'd-Dīn) "Sword of the Religion".
Origins Available: English , Irish. Corney. Buy JPG Image » The Irish name Corney has a long Gaelic heritage to its credit. Generally, the original Gaelic form of the name Corney is said to be O Cearnaigh, from the word "cearnach," which means "victorious."